HSLDA is Wrong about Romeike v. Holder

I’m glad to see that we are not the only site that doesn’t agree with HSLDA. Read the entire article at:

Why HSLDA is Wrong about Romeike v. Holder

German parents Uwe and Hannelore Romeike decided to homeschool their children  because of concerns that the German public school system taught bad values and approved of witchcraft. Faced with fines, imprisonment, and the loss of custody of their children in the only European country where homeschooling is banned outright, the family fled to the United States in 2008.

On January 26, 2010, an immigration judge  granted the Romeikes asylum. The immigration judge held that the Romeike’s were “members of a particular social group” and concluded that they would face persecution for their religious beliefs should they be returned to Germany.

Since when are we subject to international law?  This is real problem.

For all the time and energy it spends lambasting international bodies and rights treaties, it is surprising that HSLDA is relying on international law for its arguments.  When HSLDA goes bonkers over the Department of Justice’s assertion that homeschooling is not a fundamental human right, they are really complaining that the Department of Justice doesn’t think homeschooling is protected by  international  law. The Department of Justice’s assertion has nothing whatsoever to do with an analysis of rights protected under  American  law.

But really, HSLDA and their followers have no one to blame but themselves for the supposed lack of development in international law-they have been fighting any American involvement in the development of international law for decades.

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Legal Mumbo Jumbo

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